Past years
11 Jan.-20 Mars Undulaten in Väntarna, Malmöopera (Moved to another season due to Covid)
11 Jan.- 7 Feb. Filming a trailer for Väntarna at Malmöopera
20 Mars Carmencita and The Queen in Farinelli with Guidopera, Viborg
21 Mars Carmencita and The Queen in Farinelli with Guidopera, Vejle
27 Mars Carmencita and The Queen in Farinelli with Guidopera, Helsingborg
28 Mars Carmencita and The Queen in Farinelli with Guidopera, Taastrup
24 & 25 April Carmencita and The Queen in Farinelli with Guidopera, Ribe
22 May Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow, Bjuv Church
23 May Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow, Bosjökloster
16 June. A Nordic Love Saga Haugtussa with Daniel Beskow, Ysby Church
3 July Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow, Länna Church
4 July Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow, Grevie Church
8 July Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow, St Knuts kyrka
10 July. Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow, Bromölla
11 July. Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow, Tornsförsamling
22 July A Nordic Love Saga Haugtussa with Daniel Beskow, Källstorp
31 July A Nordic Love Saga Haugtussa with Daniel Beskow, Laholm Church
1 Aug. Concert at Birgit Nilsson museum, Västra Karup
13 Aug. Preziosilla, La forza del destino, Verdi, Operafabriken, Ystadteater
24-25 Sep. Alt soloist, Die tote Jesus, Graun, S:t Andreaskyrkan
26 Sep. Carmencita and The Queen in Farinelli with Guidopera, Hjörring
22 Feb. Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow, Hultsfreds kammarmusikförening
23 Feb. Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow, Gräsöslott
7 Mars Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow, S:t Anna Helsingborg
8 Mars Alt soloist, Missa Breve, Mozart, Staffanstorp församling
11 Mars Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow, Djursholmsslott
14 Mars Alt soloist, Die tote Jesus, Graun, S:t Andreaskyrkan (Canceled due to Covid)
15 Mars Alt soloist, Missa Breve ,Mozart,Varberg Church (Canceled due to Covid)
9 April Soloist in streamed mass, Limhamn Church
10 April Soloist in Easter mass, Storo Råby Church
25 April Recording, S:t Andreas Church, Malmö
4 May Cherubino, in Figaros wedding with Guidopera, Virum (Canceled due to Covid)
13 June Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow, Länna Church
21 June Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow, Västra Frölanda Church
24 June Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow, Bosjökloster
25 June Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow, Lilla Beddinge Church
27 & 28 June Carmencita and The Queen in Farinelli with Guidopera, Endelave (Canceled due to Covid)
28 June Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow, Kropps församling
2 July Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow, Eksjö Church
4 July Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow, Grevie Church (Canceled due to Covid)
5 July Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow, Bromölla Church (Canceled due to Covid)
8 July Concert in Organ festival weeks with Albina Vestland, S:t Ibbs Church (Canceled due to Covid)
9 July Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow, Stora Råby Church (Canceled due to Covid)
15 July Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow, Dagstrop Church
21 July Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow, Skanör Church
22 July Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow, Björnekulla Church
7 Aug. Gala consert with Guidopera, Ribe
12 Aug. Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow, Åhus Church
16 Aug. Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow, Västerstad Church
2 & 3 Oct. Carmencita and The Queen in Farinelli with Guidopera, Rönne theater
12-16 Oct. Det magiska om, Malmöopera
19-22 Oct. Det magiska om, Malmöopera
22 Oct. Carmencita and The Queen in Farinelli with Guidopera, Sönderborg theater
24 Oct. Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow, Ystand Church
26-29 Oct. Det magiska om, Malmöopera
28 Oct. Soloist at Mass with Daniel Beskow, Felestad Church
2-6 Nov. Det magiska om, Malmöopera, on Tour in Lund (Canceled due to Covid)
8 Nov. Carmencita and The Queen in Farinelli with Guidopera, Hörring (Canceled due to Corona)
9-13 Nov. Det magiska om, Malmöopera, on tour in Kävlinge, (Canceled due to Covid)
12 & 14 Nov. Jump in as Dorabella in Così, Malmöopera
15 Nov. Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow, Limhamns Church
15 Nov. Recording Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow, Bjuv Church (Canceled due to Covid)
17-19 Nov. Soloist at audition for pianist at Malmöopera
22 Nov. Soloist Hear my Prayer, Mendelsson, Limhamn Church (Canceled due to Covid)
29 Nov. En Beskow Jul with Daniel Beskow, Bosjökloster (Canceled due to Covid)
6 Dec. Soloist in Advent vesper, Svalövs Church, (Streamed)
13 Dec. Carmencita and The Queen in Farinelli with Guidopera, Taastrup (Canceled due to Covid)
25 Dec. Soloist Julotta, S:t Knut Church (streamed)
28 Feb. 1 Mar. Alto soloist in Rossini Stabat Mater Orchestre Symphonique de Bretagne in Rennes, France
21 Mars 22 Mars. Soloist in lied concert at Grünewalds hall at Stockholm's concert house
7 April. Alt soloist in Hayn's Stabat Mater inS:t Andreas church in Malmö
19 April. Soloist in S:t John passion in Sofia Albertina church in Landskrona
27 April Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow, Lidingö
4 May. Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow, Gröndal church
26 May. Don Giovanni in Wermlands operan, with Stockholm opera academy
7 June. Gala concert with South Denmark Philharmonic, with Nordic masterclass
22,23,29 June. Cherubino, in Figaros wedding with Guidopera, Helsingör's chamber opera
7 July. Cherubino, in Figaros wedding with Guidopera, Helsingör's chamber operand
July and August. Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow in churches in Sweden
9 Aug. Gala concert In Ribe, Denmark with Guidopera
29 Aug-1 Sep. Christina Nilsson -Gatan, Växsjö Concert house
5 Sept. Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow in Svedala church
14 Sept. Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow in Halmstad by church
15 Sept. Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow in Borlunda church
19-21 Sept. Vart är du Proserpin? with Malmö opera on tour in Århus, Denmark
12 Oct. Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow with Karlstad chamber music society
13 Oct. Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow in Ränneslöv church
19 Oct Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow in Rådmannsö church, Stockholm
20 Oct. Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow in Djursholms kapell
10 Nov. Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow in Karlskoga
20 Nov. Opera evening with FOik I Köpenhamn
7 Dec. Opera evening with Guidopera in Draka Möllan
25 Dec. Julotta Stora Råby kyrka
6 Jan. New Years concert Draka-Möllan, Guidopera
25 Jan. - 3 March Orfeo, Orfeo ed Euridice, Nordic opera and Fynske opera
25 Feb. A Nordic Love story with Daniel Beskow, Västra Vrams church
17-18 March Carmen, Guidopera/Helsingörs kammaropera, Helsingös Teaterhouse
30 March Lukas passionen, Evangelist, Varberg's church
31 March Midnight mass, Svalöv's church
7 April Contra-alto soloist, Petite Messe Solennelle Rossini, S:t Andreas church
10 April A Nordic love story with Daniel Beskow, Arnsgar church
10 May A Nordic love story with Daniel Beskow, Länna church Norrtälje
19 May 14:00 A Nordic love story with Daniel Beskow, Linköpingsslott
20 May Privat concert with Daniel Beskow
17 June Concert at Birgit Nilsson museum
24 June Opera Gala, Guidopera, Draka-Möllan
30 June Opera Gala, Guidopera, Aerö
5 July A Nordic Love story with Daniel Beskow, Ven
8 July A Nordic Love story with Daniel Beskow, Förslöv church
12 July L'aura che spira - Luften Virvlar with Albina Veisland on organ, S:t Knuts church
15 July A Nordic Love story with Daniel Beskow, Lund
18 July A Nordic Love stor with Daniel Beskowy, Falkenberg church kl 19:00
19 July A Nordic Love story with Daniel Beskow, Limhamns church kl 19:00
28 July Opera Gala, Endelave, Guidopera
2 Aug. Opera Gala, Guidopera, Ribe
7 Aug. A Nordic Love story with Daniel Beskow, Bjärred
8 Aug. Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow, Knäred church
9 Aug. Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow, Kvittofta
12 Aug. Orfeo ed Euridice in concert, Ålborg opera festival kl 14:00
17 Aug. Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow, Nyköping kl 19:00
2 Sept. A Nordic Love story with Daniel Beskow, Ränneslöv church
5 Sept. Firework Concert at KTH in Stockholm
14 Sept. Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow, Ludvika music society
15 Sept. Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow, Södertälje music society
16 Sept. Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow, Säffle music society
7 & 20 Oct. Dvorak mass D-major, Kirseberg church and S:t Anderas Church
25 Oct. Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow, Teckomatorp church
4 Nov. Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow, Löddeköpinge church
11 Nov. Soloist in Karl Jenkins "The Armed Man - A mass for peace", S:t Johannes church
25 Nov. Sagolikt with Daniel Beskow, Krogsered church
1 & 2 Dec. Cherubino, in Figaros wedding with Guidopera, Helsingör's chamber opera
31 Dec. Gala concert at the Royal Opera in Stockholm, Sweden at 18:00
22 Jan. Soloist, In the Beginning by Copland, Johannes church, Malmö
19 Feb. A Nordic love affair, Lied concert with Daniel Beskow, Örebro chamber music society, Sweden
29 Mar. Music mass with arias by Bach, Gounod, Pergolesi, Källsnöbbelöv church, Sweden
13 May A Nordic love affair, with Daniel Beskow, Gualöv church, Landskrona, Sweden
14 May A Nordic love affair, with Daniel Beskow, Bunkeflostrand church, Sweden
25 June A Nordic love affair, with Daniel Beskow, Musik vid Ån chamber festival, Löddeköpinge, Sweden
1, 2, 4 July Suzuki, Madama Butterfly, Skånskaoperan at Bäckaskog Slott
6 July A Nordic love affair, Lied concert with Daniel Beskow, Stora Råby church, Sweden
7 - 8 July Suzuki, Madama Butterfly, Skånskaoperan at Hovdala Slott
11-1 6 July Suzuki, Madama Butterfly, Skånskaoperan at Krapperups Slott
18 & 19 July Suzuki, Madama Butterfly, Skånskaoperan at Kalmar Slott
22 & 23 July Suzuki, Madama Butterfly, Skånskaoperan at Ystad Teater
25 & 26 July Suzuki, Madama Butterfly, Skånskaoperan at Borgeby Slott
28 July Suzuki, Madama Butterfly, Skånskaoperan at Torup Slott
30 July Suzuki, Madama Butterfly, Skånskaoperan at VEGA Köpenhamn (Copenhagen opera festival)
1 Aug. Suzuki, Madama Butterfly, Skånskaoperan at Jordberga Gods
3-8 Aug. Suzuki, Madama Butterfly, Skånskaoperan at Palladium Malmö
11 Aug. Suzuki, Madama Butterfly, Skånskaoperan at Aalborg opera festival, Denmark
13 Aug. A Nordic love affair, Lied concert with Daniel Beskow, Sireköpinge church, Sweden
17 Aug. A Nordic love affair, Lied concert with Daniel Beskow, Östra Grevie church, Sweden
19 Aug. A Nordic love affair, Lied concert with Daniel Beskow, Vånga church, Sweden
10 Sep. A Nordic love affair, Lied concert with Daniel Beskow, Bornholm chamber music society, Denmark
30 Sep. Last Night at Malmö Arena, Lundalands filharmoniska orkester
8 Oct. A Nordic love affair, Lied concert with Daniel Beskow, Bromölla, Sweden
3 Dec. Christmas concert, with Daniel Beskow, Bosjökloster, Sweden
20 March Alto, Pergolesi, Stabat mater, Björnekulla church
18 April Rosina, Il Barbiere di Siviglia, Vejle, Denmark
19 April Rosina, Il Barbiere di Siviglia, Frederica, Denmark
21 April Rosina, Il Barbiere di Siviglia, Rödovre, Denmark
23 April Rosina, Il Barbiere di Siviglia, Viborg, Denmark
25 April Rosina, Il Barbiere di Siviglia, Aalborg, Denmark
26 April Rosina, Il Barbiere di Siviglia, Århus, Denmark
27 April Rosina, Il Barbiere di Siviglia, Horsens, Denmark
29 April Rosina, Il Barbiere di Siviglia, Flenborg, Denmark
3 May Rosina, Il Barbiere di Siviglia, Ishöj, Denmark
4 May Rosina, Il Barbiere di Siviglia, Ballerup, Denmark
6 May Rosina, Il Barbiere di Siviglia, Kolding, Denmark
10 May Rosina, Il Barbiere di Siviglia, Hörsholm, Denmark
19 June A Nordic love affair, Liedkoncert with Daniel Beskow, Norra Vram church
2 July A Nordic love affair, Lied concert with Daniel Beskow, Simrishamn church
6 July A Nordic love affair, Lied concert with Daniel Beskow, Maria church, Helsingborg
10 July A Nordic love affair, Lied concert with Daniel Beskow, Borlunds church
12-16 July Portofino singing competition, Italy
21 July A Nordic love affair, Lied concert with Daniel Beskow, Tomelilla church
30 July A Nordic love affair, Lied concert with Daniel Beskow, Vånga church
31 July A Nordic love affair, Lied concert with Daniel Beskow, Grevie church
4 Aug. A Nordic love affair, Lied concert with Daniel Beskow, Burs church, Gotland
6 Aug. A Nordic love affair, Lied concert with Daniel Beskow, Östergarn church, Gotland
7 Aug. A Nordic love affair, Lied concert with Daniel Beskow, Gnisvärd church, Gotland
9 Aug. A Nordic love affair, Lied concert with Daniel Beskow, Fröjel church, Gotland
16 Aug. A Nordic love affair, Lied concert with Daniel Beskow, Häljarp church, Gotland
4 Sep. A Nordic love affair, Lied concert with Daniel Beskow, Helsingborg
1-11 Oct. Internationale Operwerkstatt Sigriswill, Schweiz
12 Oct. Concert with Internationale Operwerkstatt, Kirche Sigriswil, Schweiz
14 Oct. Concert with Internationale Operwerkstatt, Menuhin Forum, Bern, Schweiz
15 Oct. Concert with Internationale Operwerkstatt, Martins Kirche, Basel, Schweiz
16 Oct. Concert with Internationale Operwerkstatt, Kleine Tonhalle, Zürich, Schweiz
21 Oct. Alto, Mozarts Requiem, Folkopera/Riksteatern, Gävle symphony orchestra, Gävle, Sweden
27 and 29 Oct. Alto, Mozarts Requiem, Folkopera/Riksteatern,Västerås symphony orchestra, Västerås, Sweden
4 Nov. Alto, Mozarts Requiem, Folkopera/Riksteatern, Norrköping symphony orchestra, Norrköping, Sweden
9 and 10 Nov. Alto, Mozarts Requiem, Folkopera/Riksteatern, Falund symphony orchestra, Falund, Sweden
11 and 12 Nov. Alto, Mozarts Requiem, Folkopera/Riksteatern, Vara symphony orchestra, Vara, Sweden
18 and 19 Nov. Alto, Mozarts Requiem, Folkopera/Riksteatern, Sundsvall symphony orchestra, Sundsvall, Sweden
27 Nov. Alto Christmas oratory, Vorfru church, Århus, Denmark
5 January Gianetta, Elisir d'amore, Guidopera, Fredericia, Denmark.
6 January Alto, Christmas Oratorio by Bach, Varberg, Sweden.
23 January Gianetta, Elisir d'amore, Rönne theater, Guidopera, Denmark.
9 March The House sparrow, The deepest place, Opera Nordic, Ålborg, Denmark.
14 March Gianetta, Elisir d'amore, Guidopera, Fredrikssund's high school, Denmark.
29 March Alto, Stabat Mater, Hårslöv's church, Sweden.
12 April A Nordic love affair, Lied concert with Daniel Beskow, Kristinehamn music society
11 June A Nordic love affair, Lied concert with Daniel Beskow, Smedstorp church
24 June A Nordic love affair, Lied concert with Daniel Beskow, Teckomatorp church
27 June - 4 July Belvedere singing competition, Amsterdam
26 July A Nordic love affair, Lied concert with Daniel Beskow, Grevie church
29 July A Nordic love affair, Lied concert with Daniel Beskow, St Brunnby church
5 Aug. A Nordic love affair, Lied concert with Daniel Beskow, Skabersjö church
Oct-Nov Alto, Mozart's Requiem, The Folk's opera, Stockholm
18 January private opera gala concert at the operan in Copenhagen
23 January Beethoven's 9th symphony at Norrlandsoperan, Umeå 7:00 pm
25 January Foajé-concert at the Copenhagen operan, Holmen 5:30 pm
March-April Mercedes, Carmen, Trondheim opera, Norway.
March Alto, St Matthew Passion, Århus, Denmark.
March Alto, Stabat Mater Pergolesi, Limhamn's church, Sweden.
10 May Spring concert with opera and lieder at Stora Råby church
1 June soloist in Lili Boulanger's De Profundis-Du fond de l'abîme at S:t Petri church in Malmö with Malmö Symphonic orchestra
26 June The House sparrow, The deepest place, Opera Nordic, Helsingör, Denmark
27 June The House sparrow, The deepest place, Opera Nordic, Helsingör, Denmark
28 June The House sparrow, The deepest place, Opera Nordic, Helsingör, Denmark
29 June The House sparrow, The deepest place, Opera Nordic, Helsingör, Denmark
27 July Rosina, The Barber of Seville with The royal operahouse of Copenhagen, Denmark.
28 July Rosina, The Barber of Seville with The royal operahouse of Copenhagen, Denmark.
30 July Rosina, The Barber of Seville with The royal operahouse of Copenhagen, Denmark.
31 July Rosina, The Barber of Seville with The royal operahouse of Copenhagen, Denmark.
2 August Rosina, The Barber of Seville with The royal operahouse of Copenhagen, Denmark.
August/September The House sparrow, The deepest place, Opera Nordic, Malmö and Koldinghus
21 October Romance concert with pianist Daniel Beskow, at Spelrum in Falun, Sweden
23 November Haydn's Mass in C-major "Paukenmesse in Odense , Denmark
December three concerts with Händel's The Messiah with Dalasymfoniettan in Falun, Sweden.
December Alto, Magnificat by Bach in Århus, Denmark.